my mom got really anfr anf i tikd her that i would give her new dukdis ud sgi woukd srop beinf so anfru then i gor her the dildo and sje started æoclomga ot amd stf sp o alled tje polie. But fo upi know ehsy i lrstnrf out of thid sll? Tjat i wasmt hhat and every are whores l fafafafafa and im wtiting this with closed ueues
my mom got really anfr anf i tikd her that i would give her new dukdis ud sgi woukd srop beinf so anfru then i gor her the dildo and sje started æoclomga ot amd stf sp o alled tje polie. But fo upi know ehsy i lrstnrf out of thid sll? Tjat i wasmt hhat and every are whores l fafafafafa and im wtiting this with closed ueues